All Categories PixaMattic How to Connect to YouTube Account

How to Connect to YouTube Account

  1. Go to

  2. Click Create Project

  3. Enter name and click Create

  4. Click on Navigation Menu (top left icon)

  5. Click on Api & Services / Library

  6. In Search box enter youtube data api v3

  7. Click on result and then Enable

  8. Click on Create Credentials

  9. Select Youtube Data API v3

  10. Click User Data and click next

  11. Input app name and the rest of the fields and click save

  12. Click on Add or remove scopes and choose: .../auth/youtube.upload

  13. Click Save and Continue

  14. In application type select Web Application

  15. Name your web client

  16. Add Authorized redirect URIs:

  1. Click Create and then Done

  2. On the next Page click Create Credentials and chose API key

  3. Copy your api Key

  4. Then go to app and login as admin user, click on API Keys, paste the API key under Google Api key (Simple API access)

  5. Back to Google Cloud Platform


  1. Click on the pencil icon and copy the Client ID and the Client Secret

  2. Go back to app and paste the Google Client Id and Google Client Secret

  3. Click Save

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